Lawyers for Assange Lawyers for Assange

Avocats pour Assange

Observateurs juridiques, internationaux et indépendants
de l'affaire Julian Assange

Lettre Ouverte

Lisez notre Lettre Ouverte au Premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson, au ministre de l'Intérieur Priti Patel et au Lord chancelier et secrétaire d'État à la Justice, Robert Buckland QC

Liste des signataires

Liste des juristes qui ont signé la lettre ouverte

Endossements politiques

Liste des personnalités politiques qui ont soutenu la lettre

De nos signataires

Ce que nos signataires ont dit sur l'affaire Assange


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Documents de référence

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Dernières nouvelles

septembre 11, 2020
First round of extradition hearings, summary

The first week of the current round of extradition hearings saw Julian Assange re-arrested based on the latest superseding indictment. The Court denied the application by Assange’s legal team to exclude from consideration the 11th hour expansion of the alleged facts under the charge of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion. Assange was thratened with removal from the court. 

août 14, 2020
New extradition request based on same charges issued proving political motives behind prosecution

The US DoJ filed a further superseding indictment in the form of an entirely new extradition request to the UK court less than 3 days before the final administrative hearing on Friday 14 August 2020. This means Assange will have to be re-arrested on the first day of the resumption of his substantive extradition hearing on 7 September 2020.

août 1, 2020
Assange may face re-arrest

Assange’s legal team warns of his potential re-arrest based on a new extradition request by the US Department of Justice (DoJ) citing the same 18 offences.
